Jorge Patiño is a Venezuelan writer and visual storyteller living and working in Cologne.

Currently working as a freelance writer offering various services for different clients and platforms. Before that, working as a writer for ‘This is the Ent’.


I'm very passionate about the storytelling craft. Through my different work experiences, I have been able to develop helpful writing tools and techniques which allowed me to create in-depth characters and compelling stories.


Screenplays, Films, Series Concepts and Media projects. Development by various talented friends.

Writing is an exorcism for me; the ideas possessing me are struck onto the page, releasing me from my trance. With each story I cast out, I come closer to understanding both the world and myself. There’s something dangerous, alluring, almost esoteric about the power of words that seduces me, compelling me to write. Stories are my religion, and I’m a fanatic.”


Selected credits (2014 – Present) Role / Producer / Production Co.

2016 Un hombre y su sombra Screenwriter & Director / Charlotte Brewer / Ciudad Petróleo C.A.

2015 Ambar: el color de una familia perfecta 2nd Assistant Director / José Gregorio Hernández / Medicarte C.A.

2014 La Precursora                          Assistant Producer / Nelson Carranza / Producciones Gadea Pérez.

2014 Cara                              creenwriter & Director / Charlotte Brewer / Ciudad Petróleo C.A.

2014 Te Mataré Dos Veces                    Screenwriter / Charlotte Brewer / Ciudad Petróleo C.A.


I’m always working on something on the side.

Currently developing a podcast about films with some friends called un Podcast de Cine and other media-related projects. Reach out if that sounds interesting to you.

Write me an email or message me on Instagram or TikTok.
